Tsumego Hero
  • Segoe Tesuji Dictionary, Part 1

    Segoe Tesuji Dictionary is a three volume tesuji, problem book-set collecting almost 1,000 problems, written by Segoe Kensaku and Go Seigen. First published in 1971 by Seibundo Shinkosha as a two-volume set. It is divided into sections according to the kind of move needed for the tesuji (e.g., tsuke or geta). In each section there are problems, put into three difficulty categories. The C category is comprised of "bread and butter" tesuji that everybody is expected to know. The B category is comprised of more difficult reading problems that, nevertheless, do occur frequently in games. The A category is comprised of much harder problems, requiring deep reading to penetrate.

    70 Problems

    Difficulty: 1k