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    Does any of you maybe want to improve the endgame files?
    @SkaterStan I could try to. Considering my previous point, maybe it's practical, in case of two or more points-optimal solutions, to consider the one correct which ends in sente.
    14. June 2020
    Maximising points is in my opinion the only consistent condition of an endgame problem, because in order to establish a value for sente, one would have to know what other endgame points (if any) there are on the board that are not shown. In a sense, every endgame problem here can thus be viewed as representing the global endgame: you play the required moves, and then the game is complete. For consistency, here both B16 B15 A17 and B16 B15 A16 should be viewed as correct, as they both yield the same maximal amount of points and the final sente/gote has no value in the problem universe.
    I tend to the idea that sente/gote should be ignored as it is a local problem.
    14. June 2020
    The title of most of these problems is very confusing, it should be: W/B to maximise its points. The best endagame accounts for sente/gote, which you deny here. Took me many HP to just to understand what you want me to do...
    What @caranthir said.
    3. June 2020
    To my previous poster yaya: Actually S3 is wrong, because it is about the best local endgame move (so imagine it is the last place left on the board) Also there is no sente hane for black anyway, so depending on tedomari, T4 might also be the best global move if there is still a lot of endgame to play.
    I replaced the problem.
    23. September 2019
    T4 is not the best endgame move for Black, because White gets T5 in sente. It's better to play calmly S3, because after that Black is the one, who probably has a hane in sente.
    Your move(s) have been added.
    22. September 2019