Vincible: My point is that it seems to me, that the bottom group is already dead and white hane does not make it alive. Maybe I miss something obvious here, but J1L2, and then whether black plays E1 or F1 white cuts in F2 or E2.
Ivan Detkov: The bottom group is not dead. There is a way to build 2 eyes if it is not attacked.
Vincible: Hi, could you demonstrate how to make bottom group alive after hane?
Ivan Detkov: It seems like we did not understand each other. Let me try to explain. Any hane at the bottom kills the group and these hanes are a proper first move. Please keep asking if you still have questions.
Vincible: Playing in any other area than bottom is marked as mistake, and white then plays J1. This should mean, that white can do something on the bottom and is not dead, however I have brainfreeze and cannot see how this hane changes status of white group :P
Ivan Detkov: J1 is the proper move to make the bottom group alive.
Also In the bottom right s6 r7 s5 t2 works too