Tsumego Hero
  • Sprint Intuition Rejuvenation Refinement
    6k (1591)

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    Sir Husky Potato:
    I tried this tsumego many times, and I still don't understand what the goal is...
    Ivan Detkov:
    Imagine that it is a position in your game. Your opponent just ate your stone at A. What is your response?
    19. May 2024
    Why not D10?
    Ivan Detkov:
    G10 works much better after D10.
    15. February 2024
    Yabai Basura:
    What does "too cutting points" mean? Too many? If these are translated from the Japanese can you please include the original instructions? I'm frequently confused by what it's telling me to do.
    Resolved. Please stay respectful. I deleted your other comment.
    10. January 2024