StephaneLamy: There are too many uncovered variations in this problem.
After H8C9D9H9, any move among J5, J6 or J8 should be winning, but is marked incorrect.
I would suggest to give up completely on the line H8C9, who needs so many variations ?
In the other lines H8H9 or H8J8, many natural ko threats are still missing...
Sadaharu: H8C9D9H9 is not a winning variation. It's hard to add all the sequence for the ko threats. If there's any missing please let me know
StephaneLamy: After H8J8J6D1C2E9D9G9F9J5J4E9J5 it says incorrect, but the position is winning for black: either black gets J7, or win the ko at E9. In fact any threat instead of J5 (E3, B6...) should also be correct.
Sadaharu: Yes there are many variations to the sequence of the ko threats so it's hard to cover them all. I added a few
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