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    White begins and kills. Black begins - seki. Result is unsettled.
    19. December 2023
    I agree that black is dead here. However, the reasoning via "smeai Type 6 - small eye vs small eye" is incorrect. It should be "smeai Type 3 - eye vs no eye"! Let me explain: Ok, clearly, white can make an eye, by playing for instance white A10 after black A11. But after this exchange, White is left with only 4 exclusive liberties, while Black still has 3 exclusive + 1 inside = 4 liberties. So when black starts and white makes the eye, it would be seki! Nevertheless, the correct reasoning is "smeai Type 3 - eye vs no eye". White refrains from making an eye and wins the capturing race (with 6 exclusive liberties vs white only 3 exclusive + 1 inside = 4 liberties). PS.: I append a pretty hard capturing race created by my own as sgf file. I guess it is unsettled (black to play; wins with Black J5 - white to play; wins with White K5)
    I gave it a thought and decided to place an eye for white. It is a nice conclusion that white can get an advantage by not making the eye, but that is a topic for another collection.
    19. December 2023